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房东必填的披露声明Disclosure Statement到底是在披露什么?


在2021年3月29日颁布的维州最新租赁法案中,有两样东西特别需要我们的业主朋友们配合咱们中介去完成,一样就是此前提过的Safety Check电煤安全监测,另外一样就是

Disclosure Statement《出租物业披露声明》









Disclosure Statement 物业披露声明


Information for rental providers (landlords): From 29 March 2021, new rentals laws are in effect in Victoria. One of the changes is the requirement for rental providers to provide this disclosure statement to renters before a rental agreement is signed. A new disclosure statement is requirement for each new tenancy. Rental providers must be truthful when answering the disclosure statement questions as heavy penalties can apply for providing false or misleading information. For more information, please visit:

房东须知:从 2021 年 3 月 29 日起,维多利亚州新租赁法正式生效。 其中一项新要求就是房东在签署租约之前必须向租客提供一份披露声明。 在2021年3月29日后开始的新租约或者续租,都必须提供一份披露声明。 房东务必诚实作答,提供虚假或误导性信息将会受到处罚。 欲了解更多信息,请访问: https://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/housing/renting/changes-to-renting-laws/resources-for-practitioners/fact-sheet-6-disclosure-requirements-before-entering-into-a-rental-agreement
Has an agent has been engaged to sell the property or, has a contract of sale has been prepared, or is there is an ongoing proposal to sell the property?


___ No没有       ___Yes有   If yes 如果有:
Is there action underway to enforce a mortgage over the property which means the mortgagee is acting for possession of the property?


___ No 不是       ___Yes 是   If yes 如果有:
Is the signed rental provider not the owner of the property? If the answer is yes, what rights do they have in letting the property?

签署本声明的是否非物业业主本人? 如果不是本人,请解释其为何有权出租该物业?

___ No 是本人      ___Yes 不是本人    If yes 如果不是本人:
Is the electricity supplied to the property from an embedded electricity network? If yes, what are details of this network? Name of the supplier, their ABN, address and contact information is required.

该物业是否有指定的电力或煤气供应商? 如果有, 请提供该指定供应商的名称、他们的ABN、地址和联系信息。

___ No 没有      ___Yes 有     If yes 如果有:
Is the premises or common property known by the rental provider to have been the location of a homicide in the last 5 years?

房东是否知释物业或物业所在的大楼,在过去 5 年内曾发生凶案?

___ No 不知道     ___ Yes 知道     If yes 如有过凶案,请详述:
Does the premises comply with the rental minimum standards? *


___ Yes 符合     ___No 不符合     If no 如不符合,请详述:
* For more information on the Rental Minimum Standards, please see 更多关于最低出租


Has the rental provider received a repair notice in the last 3 years that is related to mould or damp in the premises which is caused by or related to the building structure (this requirement starts on 31 December 2021)?

房东是否在过去 3 年内收过因建筑结构引起的发霉或漏水维修通知?(此要求从 2021 年 12 月 31日开始)

___ No 没有     ___Yes 有     If yes 如果有:
What is the date of the most recent electrical safety check, gas safety check (if relevant), and pool barrier safety check (if relevant)?


Electrical 电路______    Gas 燃气______    Pool 泳池______
Are there are any outstanding recommendations to be completed from a gas or electrical safety check?


___ No没有    ___ Yes有     If yes 如果有:
Is the premises is registered under the Heritage Act 2017?


___ No 不是     ___ Yes 是     If yes 如果是:
Is the premises is known by the rental provider to be contaminated because the premises has been used for trafficking or cultivation of a drug of dependence in the last 5 years?

房东是否知道该物业在过去 5 年内曾被用于贩毒或制毒?

___ No 不知道     ___ Yes 知道     If yes 如果知道:
Is the premises is known by the rental provider to have friable or non-friable asbestos based on an inspection by a suitably qualified person?


___ No 不知道     ___Yes 知道      If yes 如果知道:
Is the premises is known by the rental provider to be affected by a building or planning application?


___ No 不是    ___ Yes 是      If yes 如果是:
Is the premises or common property known to be the subject of any notice, order declaration, report or recommendation issued by a relevant building surveyor, municipal building surveyor, public authority or government department relating to any building defects or safety concerns for the property?


___ No 没有     ___ Yes 有       If yes 如果有:
Is there is a current domestic building work dispute under the Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 which applies to or affects the premises?

根据 《建筑合同法案1995》,该物业是否就任何建筑纠纷而受到影响?

___ No 没有     ___ Yes 有      If yes 如果有:
Is there is a current dispute under Part 10 of the Owners Corporations Act 2006 (any internal dispute, for example between lot owners, occupants and/or the manager) which applies to or affects the premises?


___ No 没有     ___ Yes 有      If yes 如果有:
Are here are any owners corporation rules applicable to the premises – and if so, the renter must receive a copy of them.

该物业是否有物业管理公司,如果有, 请提供一份物管开具的《物业使用规则》给租客。

___ No 没有     ___ Yes 有       If yes 如果有:
Property Address 物业地址:

Name(s) of Rental Provider(s) 房东姓名:

Signature(s) of Rental Provider(s) 房东签字:

Date Signed 签署日期: